International Experience Canada, otherwise known as an IEC Work Permit, is a program designed to provide youth from participating countries and territories the opportunity to work and travel in Canada. This program is mainly offered to participants ages 18 to 35 years of age.

The eligibility guidelines to participate in this program vary between country and territory and may include the following:

Participants must obtain 12 months of insurance, must show that you have $2,500 Canadian and must not have any dependents.

Participants can apply to participate in this program prior to travel in Canada or upon entry to Canada. To do so, applicants must meet the eligibility requirements from the country of origin in order to submit the application.

The working holiday or the young professional work permit is generally valid for a period of 1-2 years, depending on your country’s requirement, with the exception of Italy which is only 6 months. If you receive a working holiday under the International Experience Canada, one of the benefits is that it is an open work permit, which affords you with the flexibility to try different career opportunities and/or geographical settings.

If you think you meet the requirements to participate in the International Experience Canada opportunity and wish to receive further information, contact Brace Law at 905-815-6555 or email We can help you start the application process and confirm eligibility requirements to participate. We offer consultations and meetings virtually and by phone. Affordable Fees.

List of Countries